Asset screening
Reservoir Characterization is the core and also the fast growing area of business for Nova Energy.
Our team has career length experience on global projects and is supported by the most comprehensive and up-todate software packages available in the industry.
Our experience indicates that major decisions on support of significant investments in field development, field rehabilitation or improved recovery operations often requires from a very fast although detailed study option to provide understanding of reservoir performance in order to assess future economic scenarios.
Our Asset Screening Service is an option to provide an enhanced insight into the key production drivers that control assess performance leading to rapidly leverage the existing data for competitive bidding submittals or business entry decisions.

Components of Resource Visualizations and Property
- Structural Modeling
- Petrophysics
- Geology
- Reservoir Visualization
- In-Place Resource Volumes
- Production Allocation Forecast
- Incremental Projects
- Uncertainty Assessment
- Strategic Planning and Field Development
- Property Valuation